Anne-Claire Pliska

Director of strategic planning and innovation

Anne-Claire Pliska joined BG’s management in October 2020 as Director of Strategic Planning and Innovation, after an 18-month term on the Holding’s Board of Directors. She is also in charge of Communications. After starting her career in the Telecom sector, she managed a company in the Energy sector and an open innovation ecosystem in the Mobility sector. Versatile and entrepreneurial, she created a fintech start-up which she sold after 5 years of activity. Passionate about creating new products and services, she contributes to increasing the group’s innovation capacity.

In addition to her activities at BG, Anne-Claire Pliska is a member of the board of directors of openmobility and of the OFT sounding board on multimodality issues. She is also a member of the board of the smartcity alliance and of the guarantee committee of the FOEN technology fund.

Franco-Swiss and trilingual, she is a SupOptique engineer and has a PhD in optoelectronics. She also holds an MAS in business management and a CAS in economic law.